Mother’s Day 2024

I talk about my wife @midmarchmomma in a way that makes her sound like a local hero because she is. She would never, so I will: here’s a few highlights from her unpublished Mom resume:

  • The moment Shawn passed, she worked it out so that Carter, Shawn’s son, could stay with Britt (technically step-mom) by filing for emergency custody. The same day her husband suddenly died, the top priority was making sure Carter was safe and could stay home with her. That was no easy task.
  • She raised Cam with Shawn until his untimely death and carried on being a superstar Mom whose son is exactly like her in every strong willed, intelligent, and spunky way.
  • I came on the scene which we both knew would be a LOT of work between her kids and mine, starting the long and complicated process of cross-adoption so that every child in our home has a mom and a dad. I didn’t do the legwork: she did. All of it. Hours and hours on the phone, countless forms, and enough court visits where the judge would say “oh, you guys again…”. Listen: you never want a judge to recognize you as a regular unless it’s for a rescue project, which she took on as if they’re all hers, which they are.
  • Carter and Mac are going to graduate because of her tireless fighting for them, and, truthfully, even with them (no, you must go to school/do your homework/go to college). Zac is on track to have an excellent high school experience in large part because of her. This blended family thing is no small task.
  • She heavily advocated for Lexi, not taking “no” for an answer on anything. If you know Brittany, you know that pushback from the system only encourages her. She hasn’t lost a single battle yet!
  • We eat, have insurance, look halfway decent on the way out of the house, and keep moving forward as a family because of her. I get to be her teammate that does some heavy lifting, but she’s the brains behind the operation.
  • As she supports her kids, she supports her husband: tirelessly. I don’t have a regular 9-5 job. She took on being a pastor’s wife like she was made for it, not as a piano player or casserole maker, but as a cheerleader. Most people like her more than they like me, and I prefer it that way.
  • Her mother’s day gift? A big plastic-y wobbly Bog Bag that she wanted, not for her own sake, but so that she could use it to carry towels, sunblock, and Cam’s beach toys on our summer outings.
  • There’s a trend on social media where moms will talk about what they want for Mother’s Day: quiet. Chill. No pressure. Done and done.

I love my wife, not for what she does for me and our kids, but simply for who she is. I get to do life with her, a life of constant ups and downs as we navigate a new reality marked by God’s grace and our constant growth. It sounds like sentimentality, but if something is true, it’s not sentimental. I couldn’t do it without her. God has blessed our family with a mom like this. Like this!

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Brittany.

Of course, I love you both.


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[RadCast] Ascension (Acts 1:1-11)

It’s Ascension day, which answers the question your kids may have asked: where is Jesus now?
And… why did He tell them to wait?
And… what does waiting do to our souls?
And… do we have the power? Answer: yes.

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[RadCast] Sent Out (Psalm 43:3-4)

When God sends something out, He sends it with a purpose.

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When the Imitation is Better

Our friend Eric brought dinner to our family tonight that was better than the original. Eric is the kind of chef who will take a recipe and make it better… better… even better yet. We’ve known his pies a few times which somehow exceed Grandma’s finest recipe (don’t tell her).

You’ve probably heard of Popeye’s, a fast food chain that does a fine job of serving up sandwiches that have a delectable taste all their own. You’ve also heard of Chick-Fil-A, sometimes called the Lord’s Chicken. Our household often descends into passionate argument about which of the two restaurants is better. I’m a pastor, which might cause you to think I’m about the sanctified bird, but no… I’ll take Popeyes over Chick-Fil-A every time (don’t tell my wife).

Here’s how Chef Eric made magic: he found the best of both worlds and made chicken sandwiches that somehow combine to become a behemoth monument of food. It was, to put it plainly, better than the originals. If you could somehow make a sandwich with patties from the opposing team on the same stack, even that wouldn’t compare. Our family feasted with Eric, all of us thankful that God didn’t make food boring at all.

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Most Notably, the Update

Lots going on these days. I’ve been silent on I’ve been silent on RadCast. Nary a day goes by where I neglect to put something on Insta (gram). I’m one of over one billion active TikTok users AND I still have MySpace for some reason.

I mentioned to Brittany that I regretted not writing more in the past few months. Writing helps me process and your reading keeps me engaged because I try to encourage people to trust Jesus while I tell the true story of His ongoing faithfulness. Of course, Britt pointed out that we can’t put everything on social media, especially things related to our kids. I can’t tiptoe around the facts and say “A person I know who happens to live in our basement and gets up after midnight to eat all the Doritos was recently adopted” without the risk of someone at church asking our sons which one of them loves Doritos the most.

I can tell you that Lexi is doing really well and will be 20 this summer, and I can’t help but wonder if she’ll start to go grey as her Grandma did around age 25 (I did, too).

I can tell you that Mac and Carter are on their way to study at Indiana Wesleyan University this Fall. Will they room together? Nobody’s sure. What is sure is that the campus tour we took was my first glimpse of IWU and I’m very glad they’ll be there.

I can tell you that Zac plays drums and is gigging with a local brass band that plays Steely Dan, Chicago, and the Beach Boys. This does his old soul good, which combines nicely with the youth of fast arms and feet to cover complex beats.

I can tell you that Cam discovered my old He Man and the Masters of the Universe toys, which prompted me to stream an episode and watch it with him while we battle the action figures in front of Castle Grayskull.

As for Brittany, I couldn’t have a better teammate for this journey. She’s the mama bear with an ingenious plan to get every kid whatever they require to be safe, healthy, set up for the future, and generally happy. I say generally happy because nobody really wants to do chores or homework, yet we hold the standard. They’ll appreciate it more when they’re older. She’s the logistics queen, the brains behind the operation, and my absolute favorite. Her ability to tackle seemingly impossible tasks and make it happen amazes me. It scares me a little, too. Fierce and beautiful, this one.

Of course, now that things have slowed down (from 10 to 9.3), Brittany is thinking of going back to work this fall. She spent many years in the academic counseling world. When her husband suddenly passed, that stopped. Besides flipping a few houses, she’s been doing the full time and keenly vital work of running our home, which coincidentally also requires a Master’s degree in counseling.

We’re on our way to our two year anniversary. At our current rate of family activity, we cram a week into a day, a month into a week. and a year into a month. Does it feel like 24 years? No. It feels like 24 days. Ours has been a mysterious elasticity of time, unnoticed because of the adventure, the tyranny of the urgent, and the great times we have along the way. They say time flies when you’re having fun.

Time has flown.

I love Jesus and I love my family, the family he’s given me. I’m grateful to continue on in Pastoral Ministry and be in process of transferring my ordination from the Free Methodist to the Wesleyan Church, which is where I find my current vocation. The difference between the two is far more subtle than the growing difference between Free Methodist and United Methodist.

We took our boys to Europe, fulfilling a promise Shawn and Brittany made to Carter that, upon his graduation, he could go wherever he wanted to go in the entire world. Sadly, Shawn passed before Carter started High School. Brittany kept the promise, and, being a blended family, we expanded it to Mac and ended up taking the whole crew. No, our homebody Lexi didn’t go. She doesn’t even like going to Meijer.

We saw London. We saw France. We saw… vivid paintings at the Louvre.

Best of all, we spent two weeks together unintentionally reenacting scenes from the movie National Lampoon’s European Vacation. It was a delight and, I’m sure, entertaining for some.

Anyway, we almost had an international incident when a border agent asked Cam what is full name is. Like clockwork, young Cam told them his old name, pre-adoption. This got their attention because his birth certificate (and his passport, mind you) are different now that I’ve adopted him. So Brittany had to go into the whole story, which prompted Cam to eventually remember his new name. Lots of questions, an extra guard or two, but it worked out, which means I’m writing this from my home rather than an undisclosed box somewhere in the European Union.

I’m thankful and blessed indeed. Hear me when I say this: things can be both good and bad at the same time. A day can have victories and defeats. You will take two steps forward and one or two or more back. Don’t let a bad day, a tough season, a defeat, cause you to wonder where God is or if He still loves you. He does. More than that, He is able and will get it done without any help from you. Worry not, grow and enjoy the peace that passes understanding. If you’re praying “grow my faith!” and also groaning because it’s hard to trust God, guess what:

He’s answering your prayer.

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[RadCast] Christlike: Calm (John 19:6-11)

Most spiritualities promise the participant the very thing we all want: peace, calm, balance, center. Jesus Christ is the only way to experience these realities without ignoring desire and the start truth of the situation around us. Jesus is about to be crucified. He doesn’t ignore it, He doesn’t downplay it. Rather, He acknowledges His Father God above *all* the noise.
Yes, powers will be at work against you — but the greatest power is above all, ruling all things, and unfolding a grand plan.
Disclaimer: this isn’t a magic spell to say over your day. It’s about submitting to the will of God in our lives, day by day.

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[RadCast] God’s Power in Silence (John 19:9)

Jesus shows who’s boss when he answers Pilate with silence. This confuses the Roman Governor — and puts him in his place.
Even bound and bleeding, Jesus has full authority. His silence, often met by our confusion, is still a source of peace (if we see it for what it is).

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[RadCast] Here is the man (John 18:4-5)

It’s all backwards. The victory of Jesus (Christus Victor) is everything but apparent as He’s beaten and mocked, dragged before a mob of angry people. It makes no sense *except* for the glimmer of hope in Isaiah’s prophecy — it’s like watching a mysterious master plan unfold before our eyes.

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[RadCast] What to do with the King (John 19:1-3)

Nothing negates the royalty, rule, and praiseworthiness of King Jesus. There is no neutrality. We either put ourselves under Jesus, or we stand over Him.

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[RadCast] Mr. Potato Head (John 18:8-11)

I look to Jesus as an ear fixer more than I do Messiah/Savior. He’s more than a fixer. Or, He fixes problems far greater than our foibles and missteps. Glad? I am.

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